October 10, 2009

Good stuff from Page Deux

This blog needs to lighten up and this made me laugh. (A lot more than Pat's stupid fake accidents.) (I laughed a little at the first one.)

Click here!

(Sorry, Pat's stupid blog won't let me post it as a link, so you'll have to copy & paste.)


  1. Sorry Pat, I was a little harsh to you in this post (stupid accident, stupid blog). I would go back and edit the post, but I've already had to do that 3 times trying to get your stupid blog (sorry, it slipped out) to let me post a link.

  2. try using the html code for a link!

    Click here!


    I'm surprised you didn't like the third one, we were at a complete stop!

  3. I just decided to fix it for you.

  4. The Broncos logo and "Ram/Lions" one were my favorite. lol

  5. Yeah, I liked the Rams one too.


Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
-Eugene McCarthy