October 25, 2011

The Best Rice Deal

Dear League,

Over the last week or so, if you have checked this blog, you noticed a significant debate between some of the more vocal members of our league. I, as a commissioner am always pleased when “debates” occur, because I know people are passionate about the league, and the health of it. While the topics for this debate were not uncommon to what we’ve experienced in the past (inequitable trades), some clear observations were made that I should not leave unaddressed.

Regarding the recent trade between Josh and my dad (Josh Freeman and Jahvid Best for Raymond Rice), I want to make it clear that I did not believe the trade was equitable at the time I approved it, nor did I ever think it was an equitable trade. As you know, I take what some call a "laissez faire approach" to fantasy trading. If you believe your trade can help you win games, I am not going to question it. If your trade is a little more “creative” than most peoples’ tastes, I have always backed off, and stayed out of your business. I respect your ability to manage your team as you see fit, allowing you to reap the rewards and consequences of your barter decisions. I will only veto a trade if it seems apparent that there is collusion involved.

I am going to write frankly about the situation that recently occurred. I don’t wish to relight the flames that have been put out on both sides. I simply want to explain my position, and setup the last part of my post.

Over the past month, serious allegations were made against two of our members regarding the inequity of the Best/Rice deal. The allegations were that Josh took advantage of my dad, targeting a member who was not as privy to fantasy strategy. These allegations were levied in combination with Josh’s extensive history with making deals, which purportedly put him in a position of superiority over the rest of us--while on the flipside, leaving my dad with a lackluster squad.

I view Josh’s team as very powerful, yet not unethically obtained. The addition of Rice substantially increased his competitiveness even more. However, in that the trade itself was not unethical (even if inequitable), adding Ray Rice would still not have given him an unwarranted edge. Even with this, Josh has graciously offered to reverse the Best/Rice deal, and my dad agreed as well. I want to make it clear, I do not think Josh needed to do this or was in any way obligated to do it. But, given the public outcry he offered to do it for the sake of league morale. Ironically, this is a trade should be vetoed if we were to play by the rules that we all have agreed to- that no trade should involve collusion.

I have heard loud and clear the complaints against my dad’s unconventional strategy in this unconventional league. I agree that the Best/Rice deal was inequitable, and that my dad has made similar moves in the past which has put his team in the state it is in now. These transaction have caused his team to be significantly undermanned. I’ve spoken to him regarding this, and I will be a second-level approver going forward for all trades with his team. This was my least preferred course of action. If you are looking to make a deal with my Dad, simply know that when I receive the e-mail to approve/reject the trade, I will be holding it to a much higher level of scrutiny than I normally do. You will not be able to get a Best/Rice-type deal done again.

Lastly, I’d like to make my thoughts known on one more issue. When you signed up for this league, no one guaranteed you that you’d be joining an “experts only” league. We put parameters in place to try and make the league as competitive as possible, and the strategy required is very complex (thanks to fantasy baseball). In the past I said “this league is not for the faint of heart.” What I meant is that if you are risk-averse, or not willing to put in the time, you will not flourish. I did not mean it as a blanket guarantee that everyone you interact with will be on the same playing level as you. Indeed, there are no experts in fantasy sports, not me, Josh, David, my dad, Matthew Berry, or anyone. We are all playing the best we know how to, and some are playing better than others. We started this league with none of us quite knowing how it would play out, and some have learned very fast, some not as fast. When it becomes apparent that one player “is not playing the same game”, give him the benefit of the doubt. I’ve revised the approval workflow here to accommodate our league as it stands. We’ll adjust more if necessary, but let’s keep playing and keep it fun. Even if the game, as we made it, is not yet perfect.

Regarding this last point, I am asking for your grace in this. I am extremely thankful to John Freeborn for his post on the last blog, that this is fantasy football, and it needs to be held in that light only, that we should show each other the same respect we ask for ourselves, and grace when it is needed.

Lastly, if anything I've written seems dry, please know it is not. I write this humbly and respectfully, yet frank about my position on the matters. I’m open to any feedback, whether public or private.

Thank you.

Week Six Statistics

October 6, 2011

Board Bets

Josh Aulozzi and I have made a couple of "board bets." To make them more official, I'm posting them here.

Sept 29: Matthew Stafford will finish the season with more total points than Tony Romo.
John: Yes. Josh: No.

Sept 29: Ryan Mathews will finish the season as a Top 5 RB.
John: Yes. Josh: No.

Feel free to add your own board bets that you have made with other members of the league. Post them in the comments and I'll copy them into this post.