November 30, 2010

Ideas for 2011

This post is going to be the central location for keeping record of ideas for next year. Please leave suggestions, ideas, changes, complaints or whatever in the comments section of this page, and as they materialize, I will post them on the "page".

As things progress, if we have any actual proposed changes of significance, Josh, David and I will convene, discuss, and then put things to a vote, where all changes would require 100% approval from the entire league.

All thoughts are welcome!

November 25, 2010

Week Eleven Statistics, and more!

Might as well post another updated Subjective Performance Ranking:

November 16, 2010

Basic Pointage Analysis

Yes, John Freeborn or Tony Jr. is going to win this league. Yes, John Herrin, you are who we thought you were. :)