September 1, 2009

Can this pleeeeaaassseeee be a MAN'S league?

Ok, so I guess I was a bit too harsh with my initial post. I stand by my main point, however, that it is a chump move to respond to a realistic trade offer (even if you think it's a bad one) with a complete garbage offer. If you don't like a trade offer, simply decline it or counter offer something you think is more realistic. Why would I or anyone else offer a trade with the purpose of insulting the other guy? If I wanted to do that, I'd just put up a jerky post on the league blog or something. So don't be insulted by trade offers, and be reasonable enough to realize that people value players very differently, so just because you think the trade someone is offering you is crap doesn't mean they are trying to rip you off. They might just think differently than you do. So anyway, good luck to everyone and remember...



  1. Playing devil's advocate here Josh... but was the counter-offer given because they were mocking your original offer, thinking that it was childish and stupid?

  2. That's my whole point. The initial offer was not childish and stupid, and it wasn't insulting (I'm not sure why people ever get insulted by offered FF trades). If you don't like the offer then that's fine, but don't get butt hurt because someone offers you a trade.

    I think my biggest problem with this whole thing is that whenever I offer a trade, I accompany it with an ARGUMENT as to why I think it's a good trade for both teams involved (this is always my goal in a trade, even if it helps my side more, there has to be value for the other guys team). Now I understand that the other guy isn't always going to agree with that arguement, that's fine. If you don't like the trade, say so, or just say "no thanks". Don't be like Al Franen and when someone tries to have a discussion with you your response is "You're a big fat idiot".

  3. Josh, I find the tone of your own blog entry to be quite contradictory to your own request for this to be a "man's league."

  4. I mean that you're whining about people whining!

  5. :-) Ok, I'll stop whining and stick to winning.

  6. Josh,

    Can you point me in the direction where you were reading about Matthew Berry's "Man's League"?

  7. There's not a specific link that I know of, it's just a league that Berry and Nate Ravitz (hosts of the fantasy podcast on ESPN) do every year. They invite random guys who send in good email "auditions" (basically cool stories or stories that make the guys laugh). If you listen to Fantasy Focus, you'll hear them talk about it quite a bit.


Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
-Eugene McCarthy