October 6, 2011

Board Bets

Josh Aulozzi and I have made a couple of "board bets." To make them more official, I'm posting them here.

Sept 29: Matthew Stafford will finish the season with more total points than Tony Romo.
John: Yes. Josh: No.

Sept 29: Ryan Mathews will finish the season as a Top 5 RB.
John: Yes. Josh: No.

Feel free to add your own board bets that you have made with other members of the league. Post them in the comments and I'll copy them into this post.


  1. So, the first one is basically, 'Matthew Stafford is going to stay healthy?'

    John:Yes Josh:No

  2. According to ESPN's scoring, Stafford beat Romo by 68 points. Score one for John.
    According to ESPN's scoring, Ryan Mathews was the #9 RB; 30 points from 5th place. He also looks like Samuel Aulozzi. Score one for Josh.

    It'd be fun to do this before the season more, but after we draft.

    I wonder how long it will take for someone to see this comment...

  3. Well... I wrote that before I decided to tweet it to you

    Don't you think Samuel looks kind of like Ryan Mathews though?


Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
-Eugene McCarthy