June 29, 2011

Draft and Keeper Deadline

Gentlemen (and lady),

Looking at doing the draft at 2pm on Saturday, August 27. Let me know if you have issues at this point. If you work on Saturdays, please try to get off somehow, schedules will need to get adjusted here and there, as we're all busy.

If this works for everyone, the deadline to claim your keepers will be Sunday, August 21 at 11:59pm CST. You can claim who you want by then by just e-mailing me.

Response to this post and let me know if it works.


P.S. Yes I said "and lady", because we have the pleasure of having Tony Jr.'s wife Kendal in as a proxy manager for Tony while he is away getting his butt kicked in boot camp! Kendal, from what I hear, brags an extremely successful track record in my wife's fantasy football league, and I know she'll do a great job managing Tony's team!


  1. I would like to request that all keepers be kept confidential until they are all submitted. That would also mean that you, Pat, decide which players you're keeping before finding out who anyone else is keeping.

    If there is some logical argument why it doesn't need to be kept a secret, I'm open to it.

  2. Also, the draft date does work for me. We're leaving for England on Sunday the 28th and I thought I'd miss all my fantasy drafts but I'm very pleased to know that will not be the case!

  3. I think John's point makes sense. Also, publishing the complete list before the draft will be helpful for prep.

  4. My thought was to allow people the option of whether they want their keepers to be confidential. My main reason was that it would add to people's draft preparation and strategy if they know of some players that will be off the table. If some teams choose to make their keepers known and some don't, it may add to the excitement and drama in offseason trading before the keepers are announced.

    My only requirement is that once a keeper is called, it is permanent except in the case of a major injury or shocking offseason matter (arrested on criminal charges, etc). However, once the deadline hits, the player is kept no matter what.

    What do you guys think?

  5. I think they should remain unknown until everyone has their keepers in, because it may change who people keep pending what they know about other teams, position scarcity, etc...

  6. I doubt anyone is going to tell you to announce their keepers before hand, but if they do for some reason then I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be made known.

    Date works fine for me.

    Like the new look. Nice and clean looking.

    This is Josh by the way. For some reason it won't let me post under my account.

  7. Yeah, I was also going to say that if someone wants their keepers known then I don't have a problem with it.

  8. I'm so excited about this league.


Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
-Eugene McCarthy