December 2, 2010

2010 Year End Points

If the season ended today, without any playoff points being distributed, this would be the pointage spread for 2010.


  1. This made me think to ask something. What happens if there is a tie at the end of the three years? Be it a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Are there tiebreakers in place?

  2. There are no tie-breaking procedures in place, but I think it's a good idea to put them in.

  3. Don't worry, John. No tie breaker is necessary. You;re fluke year won't put you anywhere close to winning anything... =P.

    Here's my proposal for tiebreaker:

    1. Average Finish position. If there's a tie there,
    2. Best Regular Season Record (combine all the years)
    3. Most Points over three seasons.

    And if somehow they tied that far down, with decimal points in the points total. split the money.

  4. In the spirit of striking the "balance" we try to in this league, I'd rather order the tie-breaking as below:

    1. Most Fantasy Points over the three seasons.
    2. Average Finish Position
    3. Least Interceptions

    Yeah, least interceptions.

  5. My fluke year? Your season was a fluke until Week 10!!

  6. I vote for Pat's #1 as the tie breaker, as that alone will rule out the need for any other tie breaker (not that one will be needed in the first place, there will be plenty of distance between myself and #2).

    Also, I agree with John, that John has had quite the fluky year.

  7. @Josh LOL. Alright then, #1 it is, I'm fine splitting the winnings of two teams tie in both KKR Points and Fantasy Points.

    Also, I agree with John, also.

  8. You're lives are flukes.

    -Anonymous the Omniscient

  9. @Anonymous

    You're mom is a fluke.

    -Anonymous the 3rd grade insultor.

  10. To Anonymous @ December 7, 2010 2:12 PM, you sir should make yourself known, those were fighting words!

  11. Internet trolls and a severe lack of stones. Always good for a laugh.

  12. @Patrick O'Keefe

    You know who I am. You may have been me. You may be me now. I am the author of post's written on the internet, including your blogs, KCBA and K-Town Keepers. I am able to declare, without hesitation, or regard for my reputation, exactly what I think of a person and their ideology. I am Anonymous.

    -Anonymous the Omniscient

  13. Well apparently Anonymous the Omniscient's omniscience doesn't apply to grammar because saying "You're mom is a fluke" is grammatically incorrect.

  14. @ John Freeborn

    You're correct in correcting my grammar, however you misquoted me. I made that grammatical error on purpose, because I knew you would misquote me.

    -Anonymous the Omniscient

  15. Anonymous the 3rd grade insultor. does not equal Anonymous the Omniscient

    -Anonymous the Omniscient

  16. Anonymous the Omniscient is a raging toe jam licker that loves eating belly button lint (and also often speaks in the 3rd person).

    -Anonymous the Omniscient

  17. I disagree with the fantasy points being the tie breaker. We aren't in a rotisserie league, so why would the tie-breaker be rotisserie in style? Wins and losses should be the deciding factor.

  18. Oh, and post the stats already! I want to see where I stand. =)

  19. I agree with John Herrin. If we are in a head to head league, lets at least be consistent and determine the tie breakers by what matters most in head to head leagues. Record over points.

  20. I remember being annoying on the internet. Those years in 6th grade were some of the best years of my life.

  21. Let me clarify my position. I don't really care what the tie breaker is because I very highly doubt we will need one. I just threw points out there because there is a 0.000000001 probability of two teams tying in total points over the 3 years. So whatever you guys decide will get my vote.

  22. Well I think for the sake of that 0.0001 probability then we should still have some tiebreakers in place. I think it should be:

    1. Overall Record (over all three years)
    2. Total Points (over all three years)

  23. Ok, let me pull a John Kerry here. I still think it is highly unlikely that a tie breaker will be needed, but also agree that one should be in place just in case. That being such, my vote goes for total points to be the tie breaker, for a couple of reasons.

    1) On a practical level, using total points will remove the need for any other tie breaker as it is extremely unlikely that two teams would have the same number of points over a 3 year period when fractional points are used.

    2) Total points are a better indicator of who was actually the better team manager over the 3 years than record. As Patty-O's nifty "Subjective Rankings" chart clearly shows (as well as the bears current position atop the NFC North), the team with the best record is not always necessarily the best team.

    3) While this league is a H2H format for the yearly awards, the 3 year overall championship is far more tilted to a rotisserie format that H2H, and therefore total points is a much more fitting tie breaker.

  24. I agree with all the reasons, in the opposite order of priority. This is voted on and decided now with a commissioner majority.


Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
-Eugene McCarthy